Tag Archives: wednesdays

Wee Wednesdays

2 Sep

Ok so I know that Wednesday has already passed here in Japan but it is still Wednesday in America. :]

{one} what’s your favorite day of the week and why?

Thursdays: Sushi day, school starts late, I don’t have to teach high school and it is my night to watch a movie.

{two} if you could have a glimpse of your future, would you choose to see it and what time would you want to see?

I have always said that I would love to see my future. But the more and more that I think about it, the more and more I don’t want to see it.

{three} if you could be any animal, which animal would you be?

I would be a house cat. Eat all the food that I want. It is okay to be fat. Lay around and get petted all day. It would be a glorious life.

{four} do you have a lucky number?

My lucky number is 21. I’m not sure why. It was always my number when I played sports too.

{five} if you could bring one famous person back from the dead, who would it be and why?

I think I would love to have a chat with Paul. I think that it would be awesome to hear all of his stories.

{six} fill in the blank: peanut butter and ____________.

Peanut butter and jelly. Even though I don’t really like peanut butter.

{seven} would you rather live by the mountains or by the beach?

Well I am planning on living in Seattle one day so I can have both but I would go for the ocean any day. I loveee the ocean.

{eight} do you have any tattoos?

Nope, no tattoos but maybe one day.

{nine} if you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?

I would be the old lady who read books to children at the public library.

{ten} what is your favorite all time movie?

My favorite all time movie would have to be Pirates of the Caribbean.

Now it’s your turn!

Here’s the link.